Painting by Sylvia Fuller
Fragmented Woman
Poem By: Denise Polk Gill
There she sits
before me, I see she is all in pieces
There is no smile on
her face, just tattered creases
Each fragment of her
body, touches the cold earth
Will she ever be
whole again and experience rebirth?
I wonder if she
notices, or is she fast asleep?
She's in the company
of bad men and sees what they will reap
Her only healing
power comes from deep within
She must reach
inside her soul where new life can begin.
Her long golden hair
is all theat goes untouched
So she reaches up
with her withered hand
And pulls a strand
And threads it
through the needle.
Each stitch is
painful, though guided by recent seams
As if she hasn't
paid the price, for unrealized dreams
But, healing through
he pain will strengthen each thread
So gather your
fragments my pretty one, and bring them
Back from the dead.
Oh you whole
beautiful woman, sitting in your place
It's nice to see you
back together, with a smile upon your face.
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